Smart Homes
These days, smarthome hub systems are available to manage
disparate functions through one centralized interface that can be
accessed on a user’s smartphone or tablet. Homeowners and
renters alike have taken notice. They want smart home devices
for lots of different reasons, but security and energy management
are among the most significant.
Market Reach
Experts suggest the global home automation market will be worth 81 billion by 2023.
Buyers would opt to buy a home if smart home products were already installed
Millennials who have smart home products in their home.
Three in five Americans claim security is the top benefit for owning a smart home.
Consumers who own smart home technology will most likely buy another product.
Most popular smart home products
Locks and Alarms
Locks and Alarms
Thermostats and Fans
Thermostats and Fans
Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Americans say that smart home technology products save them an average of 30 minutes per day.
Sources: NAR Research/References
Americans say that smart home technology products save them an average of $98.30 per month. A total of $1,178.60 a year.
NAHB + NAR = High Performance Collaboration
Are you skilled in speaking to and asking questions about your clients’ green home needs to provide the highest level of satisfaction possible and make the sale? Let’s do it together.