The RPCRA Cape Coral Office will close permanently on Friday, February 28, 2025 at 5 PM. Staff and services will relocate to the Sunrise Office Center located at 12381 S. Cleveland Avenue, Suite 502, Fort Myers, FL 33907.
The local board or association of Realtors® can provide you with information on the procedures for filing an ethics complaint. Here are some general principles to keep in mind.
In the event of contractual disputes or specific non-contractual disputes as defined in Standard of Practice 17-4 between Realtors® (principals) associated with different firms, arising out of their relationship as Realtors®, the Realtors® shall mediate the dispute if the Board requires its members to mediate. If the dispute is not resolved through mediation, or if mediation is not required, Realtors® shall submit the dispute to arbitration in accordance with the policies of the Board rather than litigate the matter.
In the event clients of Realtors® wish to mediate or arbitrate contractual disputes arising out of real estate transactions, Realtors® shall mediate or arbitrate those disputes in accordance with the policies of the Board, provided the clients agree to be bound by any resulting agreement or award.
The obligation to participate in mediation and arbitration contemplated by this Article includes the obligation of Realtors® (principals) to cause their firms to mediate and arbitrate and be bound by any resulting agreement or award.” (Amended 1/12)
Ethics Complaint Forms and Information
Probation should be used if a hearing panel wants to hold a form of discipline (e.g., a fine) in abeyance during the probationary period not to exceed one (1) year. Any subsequent finding of a violation of the Code of Ethics during the probationary period may, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, result in the imposition of the suspended discipline. Absent any subsequent finding of a violation during the probationary period, both the probationary status and suspended discipline will be considered fulfilled. Conversely, if the hearing panel wants the respondent to comply with discipline, the hearing panel should not place the respondent on probation. (Adopted 11/14)
No. While a Realtor® (non-principal) also has a financial interest in the dispute and who is affiliated with a party to an arbitration hearing has the right to attend the arbitration hearing (and any subsequent procedural review proceeding), he or she is not a party to the proceedings and the proceedings may take place in his or her absence.
No. A board may decline to proceed with an ethics appeal or request for procedural review if the party who instituted the appeal (or request for procedural review) fails to appear.
Yes, however, amended forms should not be used until they are first reviewed by counsel to ensure that they conform to state law and to any special requirements established by the Board.
The new Realtor® principal may only be required to arbitrate if the new REALTOR® principal was a Realtor® principal of that firm at the time the dispute arose. The complainant can name any Realtor® principal of the firm at the time the dispute arose and the arbitration can proceed. If the original respondent simply moved from Company A and re-affiliated as a Realtor® nonprincipal with Company B, the arbitration could proceed against the original respondent because the duty to arbitrate is personal.
A notice of dismissal shall specify the reason(s) for dismissing (e.g., the matter is not timely filed, or the allegations, if taken as true, do not appear to support a possible violation of the Article(s) cited, or there is no contractual dispute [or specific noncontractual dispute consistent with Standard of Practice 17-4] between the parties named in arbitration). Any notice of dismissal shall also inform the complainant of their opportunity to appeal the dismissal, and should inform the complainant that although the complaint/arbitration request and attachments cannot be revised, modified, or supplemented, the complainant may explain in writing why the complainant disagrees with the conclusion that the matter be dismissed. (Revised 5/07)
Yes, assuming the Grievance Committee has not previously dismissed the ethics complaint/arbitration request and the Grievance Committee finds the refiled matter timely filed.
The purpose of the "Findings of Fact" section of Form #E-11 is to provide a clear and concise statement of the facts that led the Hearing Panel to reach its conclusion. For example, the findings of fact for a violation of Article 12 could read as follows: "Realtor® B was charged with a violation of Article 12. Evidence provided during the hearing showed that his firm had a listing on 123 Pleasant Drive, and that he ran an ad on October 4 for the property which did not disclose the name of his firm. Consequently, the Hearing Panel finds him in violation of Article 12 as interpreted by Standard of Practice 12-5."
Conversely, if a violation was not found, the "Findings of Fact" could read: "Realtor® B was charged with a violation of Article 12. Evidence provided during the hearing showed that his firm had a listing on 123 Pleasant Drive, and that the advertisement he ran for that property on October 4 disclosed the name of his firm. Consequently, the Hearing Panel finds him not in violation of Article 12 as interpreted by Standard of Practice 12-5."
Such an arbitration request and ethics complaint cannot be consolidated in one proceeding, and the member filing them must be so advised. If the complainant still wished to pursue both the arbitration request and the charge of alleged unethical conduct, the two matters must be handled separately. In such cases, the arbitration should be held first to avoid prejudice to the arbitration by reason of any finding as to violation of the Code of Ethics. When the ethics hearing is held at a later time, it should be before a different Hearing Panel and individuals having served on the arbitration panel may not serve on the ethics Hearing Panel.
No; only a duly authorized tribunal of the Board may require information to be submitted, consistent with Article 14.
Ensure your Association has adopted one of the two Publication Options described in Policy Statement 45, Publishing the Names of Code of Ethics Violators, Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual. Publication Option #2 builds on the authority provided in Publication Option #1 by authorizing publication in all instances in which violators are disciplined with a letter of reprimand, a fine, a suspension, and/or an expulsion, and by expanding the content of the publication notice. The nature, form, content, and extent of this notice should not exceed what is authorized by the Publication Option adopted by the Association as provided in Policy Statement 45, Publishing the Names of Code of Ethics Violators, Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual. (Revised 05/18)
Yes, at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
No; only the respondent's Realtor® principal has the right to attend the ethics hearing (unless the complainant's Realtor® principal is acting as counsel). Refer to Part Two, Section 4 and Section 13 of the Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual.
Yes. Although suspension may not be imposed as a sanction for greater than one (1) year (and expulsion for not more than three [3] years), a Board can stipulate that a respondent be suspended (or expelled) until a fine is paid or an educational course is completed. The respondent would be seen as having the "keys to his own cell," meaning that the length of his suspension or expulsion is dependent on his own actions.
A principal who is not joined in an ethics complaint as a respondent may be present during the hearing and may even be required by the Hearing Panel to attend the hearing. Whether the principal attends the hearing or not, the principal should receive copies of the complaint and response and be provided with notice of hearing.
Professional Standards Policy Statement #34 provides:
Consolidation of Ethics Complaints Arising Out of the Same Transaction. In the interest of maximizing the resources of Boards and Associations, Grievance Committees should use all reasonable efforts to ensure that all ethics complaints arising out of the same transaction or event are consolidated and scheduled for hearing in a single hearing. Respondents to ethics complaints do not have the right to a separate hearing unless they can demonstrate that consolidation of complaints would prevent them from receiving a fair hearing.
Before an ethics complaint is referred to the Professional Standards Committee for hearing, it may be amended either by the complainant or by the Grievance Committee. If the Grievance Committee dismisses an Article(s) cited by the complainant, the complainant may appeal that dismissal to the Board of Directors.
After referral to the Professional Standards Committee, the complaint may be amended by the complainant. The respondent should then be provided with a copy of the amended complaint and be given an opportunity to file an amended response.
An ethics complaint may also be amended by either the complainant, or upon action of the Hearing Panel during the hearing to add previously uncited Articles or additional respondents. If this occurs, the respondent should be given an opportunity to request a postponement to prepare a response to the amended complaint.
Arbitration requests may be amended to add or delete parties only by the complainant or respondent. During its initial review, however, the Grievance Committee may suggest that such amendments be made in order to ensure that all related claims arising out of the same transaction can be resolved at the same time. Refer to Professional Standards Policy Statement #27, Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual. (Revised 05/15)
No; refer to the Professional Standards Policy Statement #23, Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual.
Yes, but this is a matter of local option. Under no circumstances may a Board require the parties to deposit the funds prior to an arbitration hearing being held. See Professional Standards Policy Statement #8.
Arbitration in the absence of a respondent may take place where permitted by state statute or case law. The Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual, in Part Ten, Section 48, provides three (3) options addressing the circumstances under which Boards may conduct arbitration. Boards should consult with Board or State Association legal counsel and determine which of these options the Board should adopt.
Additionally, no arbitration hearing may be held in the absence of the complainant, and no award may be rendered without a hearing on the merits.
Possibly. Refer to Appendices I and II to Part Ten of the Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual and Standard of Practice 17-4.
A Board is under no obligation to grant a postponement, much less honor repeated requests for postponement. However, extenuating circumstances should be considered in determining if a requested continuance will be granted. Parties’ requests for continuances shall only be granted when all parties mutually agree to a subsequent specified date, or when the hearing panel chair determines that denying the continuance would deny the requestor a fair hearing. (Revised 11/14)
No; attendance at any hearing is limited to the parties and the parties' respective counsel and/or witnesses (witnesses are excused except during their testimony); the Hearing Panel members (including alternates); Board staff and/or counsel, as deemed necessary; and the court reporter, if utilized. In any ethics proceeding, the Realtor® principal, consistent with Part Two, Section 13(d) of the Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual may attend. In any arbitration proceeding, Realtor® nonprincipals and Realtor®-Associates who have a vested financial interest consistent with Part Ten, Section 44(a)(2) of this Manual may also attend.
Yes; extensions can be granted as a matter of discretion by the appropriate tribunal.
The National Association has no policy governing retention of professional standards records. Boards are encouraged to consult legal counsel when determining how long professional standards records should be kept. NAR recommends that the results of an ethics hearing be retained permanently; records relative to the rest of the ethics file should be retained for one year after any discipline has been complied with absent a threat of litigation. In arbitration cases, records should be retained for one year after the award has been paid absent a threat of litigation. Minimally, all professional standards records should be retained until the appeal or procedural review period has expired and it is recommended that the final decision of arbitration Hearing Panels and the Board of Directors relative to ethics proceedings be retained permanently in the respondent’s membership file.(Revised 06/17)
Whether an Executive Officer attends hearings in an administrative capacity, or participates pursuant to the optional hearing officer policies, is a matter of local discretion. Some Boards and Associations have determined that it is beneficial to have the Executive Officer present to provide technical assistance and expertise, while other Boards and Associations choose to have one of the panelists (or Board counsel) provide procedural guidance. This is a matter to be determined by each Board and Association depending on, for example, staff resources, staff experience in professional standards matters, hearing panelists’ experience relative to procedures and enforcement of the Code of Ethics, the complexity of the issue, and whether or not Board counsel will be present.
Yes. As used in the Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual, the term "counsel" refers to an attorney at law or to a Realtor® of the parties' choosing (or both) in an ethics proceeding. However, it would be inappropriate for anyone other than a licensed attorney to act as counsel for a party to an arbitration proceeding.
Every party to an ethics or arbitration hearing has the right to be represented by legal counsel. Counsel may take an active role in presenting the opening and closing statements, the party's claim/defense, and the cross-examination of the other party and the other party's witnesses. Regardless of how actively counsel participates in a hearing, it is important to remember that no Reatlor® may refuse to answer questions directly put to him or her (though the party may confer with counsel prior to answering), and at no time must a Hearing Panel countenance any attempt by counsel to harass, intimidate, coerce, or confuse the panel or any party to the proceeding.
No. Only if the Grievance Committee is in need of additional information which the complainant cannot provide pertaining to the questions in Section 19, Grievance Committee’s Review of an Ethics Complainant, or Section 42, Grievance Committee’s Review and Analysis of a Request for Arbitration, may the Grievance Committee solicit a response. (Revised 11/15)
Yes, if a Realtor® is found in violation of the Code of Ethics at one Board, another Board may share that member's professional standards record for progressive disciplinary purposes.
Complainants may withdraw their complaints at any time prior to adjournment of the ethics hearing. However, if complain ant withdraws the complaint after transmission of the Grievance Committee’s decision to forward the complaint to a hearing and prior to adjournment of the ethics hearing, the complainant may not resubmit the complaint on the same matter. If complainant withdraws the complaint before transmission of the Grievance Committee’s decision to forward the complaint to a hearing, the complainant may resubmit the complaint on the same matter so long as it is filed within the 180-day filing deadline as defined in this Manual. If a complaint is withdrawn by the complainant after the Grievance Committee determines the complaint requires a hearing, it will be referred back to the Grievance Committee to determine whether a potential violation of the public trust (as defined in Article IV, Section 2 of the National Association’s Bylaws) may have occurred. Only where the Grievance Committee determines a potential violation of the public trust may have occurred may the Grievance Committee proceed as the complainant. (Amended 5/16)
18. If the alleged offense is a violation of an FGCMLS rule or regulation and does not involve a charge of unethical conduct or request for arbitration, it may be administratively considered and determined by the Multiple Listing Service Committee, and if a violation is determined, that committee may direct the imposition of a sanction. The recipient of such a sanction, however, may then request a hearing before the Professional Standards Committee within twenty (20) days following receipt of the Multiple Listing Service Committee's decision.
Any alleged violation of an FGCMLS rule or regulation that includes charges of unethical conduct should be forwarded to the Grievance Committee for review and possible referral to the Professional Standards Committee. Refer to Section 7.1, Handbook on Multiple Listing Policy.
An arbitrable issue is defined as a question arising out of a transaction between parties to a contract (and specific non-contractual disputes as defined in Standard of Practice 17-4). To proceed with arbitration, there must be a dispute between the parties that arises out of a real estate transaction and a disagreement between the parties as to entitlement to a sum of money. See Part Ten, Section 43, Arbitrable Issue, of this Manual.
No; if a Board is unable to impanel an impartial appeal tribunal, the Board of Directors could refer the matter to the State Association. Refer to Professional Standards Policy Statement #18 in the Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual.