The Florida Gulf Coast Multiple Listing Service (FGCMLS Only Membership) provides full access to the FGCMLS System. The Designated Broker of the office must be member of RPCRA before an agent may receive membership.
Click below to start the process for FGCMLS only Membership with Royal Palm Coast Realtor® Association.
Note: The application must be submitted by a Broker. The Broker must have an active membership at a Realtor® Association. A roster for agents in the brokerage must also be completed.
An MLS only member may only join the FGCMLS if their Broker is also an active member of the Association. Please note that an FGCMLS only participant must be an active member of another Realtor® Association. The Broker must complete the Roster Application.
Click below to start the process to become a Thompson Broker with the The Royal Palm Coast Realtor® Association.
Note: The application must be submitted by a Broker. A Thompson Broker does not hold Realtor® membership in the Association and therefore does not receive any board benefits. A roster for agents in the brokerage must also be completed.
Start Application: Thompson Broker
Roster to be completed by a Thompson Broker that participates in the Multiple Listing Service of the Association.