RPCRA Crisis Foundation
The RPCRA Crisis Foundation has provided emergency financial assistance for hundreds of members since 2007. Over the years, almost all of them told us they never thought they would be in a position to need it. The point is, we never know when we will be in similar circumstances due to medical problems, a death in the family or other factors. Fortunately, we are all part of the Realtor® Family with the willingness to help each other.
The Foundation has been established to offer temporary assistance to dues-paying members and/or immediate family who are facing financial hardship and/or personal crisis, due to their own or their immediate family members’ catastrophic event, life-threatening illness or injury. Each application is treated confidentially. The trustees of the foundation sign a confidentiality agreement. Your completed application will be reviewed and your request will be answered within 30 days.
To Apply:
Please fill out the application completely and submit it and the backup documents requested to Monica Arrondo at monica@rpcra.org.
Each application is treated confidentially. The trustees of the foundation sign a confidentiality agreement. Your completed application will be reviewed, and your request answered within 30 days.